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Submit your AI to our family of directories today

Submit your AI tool to our main site Awesome AI Tools (DR28) & have it distributed to our sister sites What AI Can Do Today (DR40) & AI For My Job (DR18) with a one-time purchase.

3 directories for the price of 1 ๐Ÿ’ช

5x your visibility with Pro Listings

Enhanced Listing Visuals

Set your submissions apart from others with eye-catching visuals with Pro Listings.

Basic vs Pro Listings in Awesome AI Tools
Basic vs. Pro Listings

Featured in Home Page

Your Pro spot, reserved for you.

eatured in Awesome AI Tools
Featured in Awesome AI Tools

Automatic Bot Sharing

Distribute your listings to our official social channels: Telegram & Twitter, & Reddit! ๐Ÿฅณ

Awesome AI Tools Telegram & Twitter
Actual screenshot of AI tool distributed to Awesome AI Tool's Telegram & Twitter official accounts.

Enhanced Search Results with AI

Train our AI search with more keywords related to your tool.

Awesome AI Tools AI Search
"Recognise voice" automatically resolves to relevant voice recognition tools using AI

10x even more your visibility
when we distribute your AI to our sister-sites.

Distributes to our sister-site #1 What AI Can Do Today.

Viral AI site with 1.15 mil. page views in 2 months, covered by large media from MSN, Boy Genius Report, Fast Company and more.

What AI Can Do Today Homepage, our sister-site fully owned by Awesome AI Tools

Distributes to our sister-site #2 AI For My Job.

Our new, non-nsfw AI site targeted at career & working professionals niche.

What AI Can Do Today Homepage, our sister-site fully owned by Awesome AI Tools

How to Submit an AI Tool?

Our Magic AI Tool Submission from only takes 1 minute to submit, made for busy AI founders.
  1. #1 โ€” Create Account

    Sign up or Login to your Awesome account.

    From the Dashboard, click on Submit New AI Tool.

  2. #2 โ€” Submit, AI Crawl & Edit

    After submitting your AI tool URL, Our AI crawlers will immediately identify your AI tool & automatically populate fields.

    You'll also have the opportunity to refine your submission before continuing for submission.

  3. #3 โ€” Pay & Process

    Processing of your AI tool will take place immediately after a successful one-time payment.

  4. #4 โ€” Get featured + dedicated AI tool page + distribution

    Your tool will appear in 3 places after submission:

    1. Dedicated AI tool page
    2. Categories
    3. Home Page (featured according to newest)
    4. Search Results
    5. Official Reddit, Twitter & Telegram Channels
    6. Sister sites

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